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Lecture 18, Thu 03/07
Quicksort, Binary Search Tree Deletion
- Quicksort is another divide-and-conquer algorithm
- Can improve running times to O(n log n) in a typical case, but we’ll see how this can also lead to O(n2) in a worst-case scenario
- Idea:
- We can sort a list by subdividing the list based on a pivot value
- Place elements < pivot to the left-side of the list
- Place elements > pivot right-side of the list
- Recurse for each left / right portion of the list
- When sub list sizes == 1, then entire list is sorted
- We can sort a list by subdividing the list based on a pivot value
Partition the list into left/right sublists
- Choose pivot (typically first element in list)
- leftmark index is on left-most side of list, rightmark index is on right-most side of list, and both leftmark and rightmark work inwards
- Find an element in the left side (using leftmark index) that’s out-of-place (> pivot)
- Find an element in the right side (using rightmark index) that’s out-of-place (< pivot)
- Swap out-of-place elements with each other
- We’re putting them in the correct side of the list!
- Continue doing steps 1 - 5 until the rightmark index < leftmark index
- Swap the pivot with rightmark index
- We’re putting the pivot element in the correct place!
Quicksort Analysis
- Best-case running time is O(n log n), just like Mergesort
- In the best case, there are log n levels. Each level is O(n) when performing the partition step
- However, the worst case is O(n2)
- Consider the case where the list is already sorted (or in reverse order)
- The sub lists aren’t evenly divided for every recursive call
- Quick Sort performance is dependent on the pivot value!
- Can try to improve the pivot choice by selecting random values and choosing the medium
- Textbook describes the median of three approach
- Choose first, middle, and last element. Choose the median of these values
- But even then, there is no guarantee that these values are good pivot values, but it does improve our chances that they are
- Note that Quicksort DOES NOT need extra space (unlike merge sort), so that tradeoff is not relevant here
BST Deletion
- When deleting a node from a BST, there are three possible cases based on the number of children:
- Case 1: The node we are deleting is a leaf (no children)
- Case 2: The node we are deleting has one child
- Case 3: The node we are deleting has two children
Case 1: Deleting a leaf node
- Find the node that needs to be deleted (traverse the bst)
- Simply remove the parent reference (either left child or right child) to the deleted node
Case 2: Deleting a node with 1 child
- Set parent reference of the deleted node’s child to the deleted node’s parent
Case 3: Deleting a node with 2 children
- First find the successor (node with next greater value) in the right subtree
- This can be done by traversing the left children of the node to be deleted’s right subtree (the leftmost/least node in the deleted node’s right subtree)
- Also note that the successor will always only have at most one child
- If the successor had a left child, then it wouldn’t be the successor!
- Temporarily store the successor and delete the successor from the tree
- Deleting the successor will fall in either Case 1 or Case 2
- Replace the deleted node’s value with the successor’s value