lab09 : Used Car Lot - Part Two

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lab09 draft Used Car Lot - Part Two Fri 03/08 11:59PM Mon 03/18 11:59PM

In this lab, you’ll have the opportunity to practice:



The goal for this lab is to take your existing Used Car Lot program in Lab08 that will manage cars for a second-hand car dealership, and support removing Cars from the lot. As a reminder, all Cars have a make, model, year, and price, which can be used to determine the value of cars in relation to each other. All Cars will be managed with a Binary Search Tree (BST) where the BST nodes are sorted by make, then model.

In order to remove the cars for this lab, you will define a remove_car method in the CarInventory class that will remove Cars with the same make/model/year/price from a CarInventoryNode’s cars list. After removing a Car and no cars exist in the CarInventoryNode’s cars list, you will then need to remove the node from the BST while preserving the BST property.

You will also write pytests in illustrating your behavior works correctly. This lab writeup will provide some test cases for clarity, but the Gradescope autograder will run different tests shown here. It’s important to thoroughly test your program with various cases!


You will need to copy over all your files from Lab08 and modify two files:

Your starter code for this assignment will be your program from Lab08, and you’ll have to add the additional specifications defined below.

You should organize your lab work in its own directory. This way all files for a lab are located in a single folder. Also, this will be easy to import various files into your code using the import / from technique shown in lecture.

The file will contain the definition of a CarInventory class. This will keep track of the cars a dealership has, implemented as a BST. The CarInventory will create CarInventoryNode objects using Car objects based on their make and model. Car objects with the same make and model will be appended to a list based on insertion order within the CarInventoryNode object. For further specifications regarding existing requirements, reference the Lab08 page.

In addition to the methods created before, the following methods are required to be implemented:

A note if you have implemented CarInventoryNode comparators: If you have implemented CarInventoryNode comparators in last week’s lab, in your __eq__ comparator overload, before you check for the make and the model, you should check if the right-hand-side is None. If it is None, you should return False. This is because of a quirk about how Python handles comparators between overloaded comparators and None.


Given an example BST:

bst = CarInventory()

car1 = Car("Mazda", "CX-5", 2022, 25000)
car2 = Car("Tesla", "Model3", 2018, 50000)
car3 = Car("BMW", "X5", 2022, 60000)
car4 = Car("BMW", "X5", 2020, 58000)
car5 = Car("Audi", "A3", 2021, 25000)


#                                  Mazda,CX-5,[Car(Mazda,CX-5,2022,25000)]
#                                 /                                       \
#           BMW,X5,[Car(BMW,X5,2022,60000),Car(BMW,X5,2020,58000)]    Tesla,Model3,[Car(Tesla, Model3,2018,50000)]
#                   /
#  Audi,A3,[Car(Audi,A3,2021,25000)]

Inorder Traversal

Using the CarInventory after the add_car methods above, an example of the inorder() string format for removal is given below after removing the following Car:

bst.remove_car("BMW", "X5", 2020, 58000)

#                                  Mazda,CX-5,[Car(Mazda,CX-5,2022,25000)]
#                                 /                                       \
#           BMW,X5,[Car(BMW,X5,2022,60000)]    Tesla,Model3,[Car(Tesla,Model3,2018,50000)]
#                   /
#  Audi,A3,[Car(Audi,A3,2021,25000)]

assert bst.inorder() == \
Make: AUDI, Model: A3, Year: 2021, Price: $25000
Make: BMW, Model: X5, Year: 2022, Price: $60000
Make: MAZDA, Model: CX-5, Year: 2022, Price: $25000
Make: TESLA, Model: MODEL3, Year: 2018, Price: $50000

and if we then remove the following car, the CarInventoryNode will be removed from the BST. The CarInventory and inorder() string format is given below in this case:

bst.remove_car("BMW", "X5", 2022, 60000)

#                                  Mazda,CX-5,[Car(Mazda,CX-5,2022,25000)]
#                                 /                                       \
#           Audi,A3,[Car(Audi,A3,2021,25000)]    Tesla,Model3,[Car(Tesla,Model3,2018,50000)]

assert bst.inorder() == \
Make: AUDI, Model: A3, Year: 2021, Price: $25000
Make: MAZDA, Model: CX-5, Year: 2022, Price: $25000
Make: TESLA, Model: MODEL3, Year: 2018, Price: $50000

Preorder Traversal

Using the CarInventory after the add_car methods above, an example of the preorder() string format is given below after removing the following Cars:

bst.removeCar("BMW", "X5", 2020, 58000)

#                                  Mazda,CX-5,[Car(Mazda,CX-5,2022,25000)]
#                                 /                                       \
#           BMW,X5,[Car(BMW,X5,2022,60000)]    Tesla,Model3,[Car(Tesla,Model3,2018,50000)]
#                   /
#  Audi,A3,[Car(Audi,A3,2021,25000)]

assert bst.preorder() == \
Make: MAZDA, Model: CX-5, Year: 2022, Price: $25000
Make: BMW, Model: X5, Year: 2022, Price: $60000
Make: AUDI, Model: A3, Year: 2021, Price: $25000
Make: TESLA, Model: MODEL3, Year: 2018, Price: $50000

bst.remove_car("BMW", "X5", 2022, 60000)

#                                  Mazda,CX-5,[Car(Mazda,CX-5,2022,25000)]
#                                 /                                       \
#           Audi,A3,[Car(Audi,A3,2021,25000)]    Tesla,Model3,[Car(Tesla,Model3,2018,50000)]

assert bst.preorder() == \
Make: MAZDA, Model: CX-5, Year: 2022, Price: $25000
Make: AUDI, Model: A3, Year: 2021, Price: $25000
Make: TESLA, Model: MODEL3, Year: 2018, Price: $50000

Postorder Traversal

Using the CarInventory after the add_car methods above, an example of the postorder() string format is given below after removing the following Cars:

bst.remove_car("BMW", "X5", 2020, 58000)

#                                  Mazda,CX-5,[Car(Mazda,CX-5,2022,25000)]
#                                 /                                       \
#           BMW,X5,[Car(BMW,X5,2022,60000)]    Tesla,Model3,[Car(Tesla,Model3,2018,50000)]
#                   /
#  Audi,A3,[Car(Audi,A3,2021,25000)]

assert bst.postorder() == \
Make: AUDI, Model: A3, Year: 2021, Price: $25000
Make: BMW, Model: X5, Year: 2022, Price: $60000
Make: TESLA, Model: MODEL3, Year: 2018, Price: $50000
Make: MAZDA, Model: CX-5, Year: 2022, Price: $25000

bst.remove_car("BMW", "X5", 2022, 60000)

#                                  Mazda,CX-5,[Car(Mazda,CX-5,2022,25000)]
#                                 /                                       \
#           Audi,A3,[Car(Audi,A3,2021,25000)]    Tesla,Model3,[Car(Tesla,Model3,2018,50000)]

assert bst.postorder() == \
Make: AUDI, Model: A3, Year: 2021, Price: $25000
Make: TESLA, Model: MODEL3, Year: 2018, Price: $50000
Make: MAZDA, Model: CX-5, Year: 2022, Price: $25000

These are just a few simple examples illustrating the functionality of removing a Car from the CarInventory cars list, and removing the CarInventoryNode from the CarInventory. Gradescope will thoroughly test various cases. As always, it’s important to thoroughly test your own code with various possible cases.

As part of the debugging process, we are providing you two functions to visually represent the BST to ensure it looks similar to your thought. Make use of these carefully through multiple steps of your methods - For e.g., you can print out the visual representation of your subtree in each step of the recursion so that you can validate your theoretical assumption in action. If you want to call this method inside your call, you can do this by running show_tree(self.root) or show_tree(node) or show_tree(car_inventory_object.root). Below is the code snippet for the functions and the corresponding logic to see it in action -

def show_tree(node):
    * -> Indicates the base node
    L -> Indicates the left child of the base node
    R -> Indicates the right child of the base node
    LR -> Indicates the right child of the left child of the base node
    ..... and so on
    import sys
    from io import StringIO
    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout = StringIO()
    if node is None:
        print("No cars in inventory.")
        print(f"Showing Tree Representation of Children under Node - Make: {node.get_make()}, Model: {node.get_model()}\n")
        _print_tree(node, 0, "")
        print("\nEnd of the car inventory. \n")
    print("\n" + "="*50 + "\n")
    contents = sys.stdout.getvalue()
    sys.stdout = old_stdout

def _print_tree(node, level, position):
    if node is not None:
        _print_tree(node.get_right(), level + 1, position + "R")
        print("   " * level + "|----" + f"(Level {level}) {node.get_make()} : {node.get_model()} ({position if position else '*'})")
        _print_tree(node.get_left(), level + 1, position + "L")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    inventory = CarInventory()
    # Adding some cars
    inventory.add_car(Car("Toyota", "Camry", 2020, 25000))
    inventory.add_car(Car("Honda", "Accord", 2019, 23000))
    inventory.add_car(Car("Toyota", "Corolla", 2018, 20000))
    inventory.add_car(Car("Honda", "Civic", 2021, 22000))
    inventory.add_car(Car("Ford", "Fusion", 2017, 18000))
    inventory.add_car(Car("Chevrolet", "Malibu", 2016, 17000))
    # Displaying the inventory before removing a node
    # Remving a car
    inventory.remove_car("Toyota", "Camry", 2020, 25000)
    # Displaying the inventory after removing a node (root node):

The output for this should look like this -

Showing Tree Representation of Children under Node - Make: TOYOTA, Model: CAMRY

   |----(Level 1) TOYOTA : COROLLA (R)
|----(Level 0) TOYOTA : CAMRY (*)
      |----(Level 2) HONDA : CIVIC (LR)
   |----(Level 1) HONDA : ACCORD (L)
      |----(Level 2) FORD : FUSION (LL)
         |----(Level 3) CHEVROLET : MALIBU (LLL)

End of the car inventory. 


Showing Tree Representation of Children under Node - Make: TOYOTA, Model: COROLLA

|----(Level 0) TOYOTA : COROLLA (*)
      |----(Level 2) HONDA : CIVIC (LR)
   |----(Level 1) HONDA : ACCORD (L)
      |----(Level 2) FORD : FUSION (LL)
         |----(Level 3) CHEVROLET : MALIBU (LLL)

End of the car inventory. 


Other than the required methods, feel free to implement any helper methods that you think are useful in your implementation. The automated tests will test only your implementation of the required methods and certain methods from last week by creating a CarInventory containing various Cars with different make, model, year, and price attributes. The remove_car() and add_car() methods will be run, with get_car(), get_successor(), inorder(), preorder(), and postorder() being used to verify that the CarInventory is fully functional. You should be sure that Lab08 is working correctly, and write tests to confirm your program for this lab is working properly.

This file should test all of the new methods in using pytest. Think of and create your own various scenarios and edge cases when testing your code according to the given descriptions. For the get_successor method, your tests should test the general case and the case used for BST maintenance. For the remove_car method, you tests should cover Cases 1, 2, and 3 (as discussed in lecture) at a minimum, as well as only removing a Car from the CarInventoryNode’s cars list without removing the CarInventoryNode. Even though Gradescope will not use this file when running automated tests (Gradescope will use other tests), it is important to provide this file with various test cases (testing is important!!).

A note about Gradescope tests: Gradescope will use your functions to correctly check the state of your Cars and CarInventory with many scenarios. In order to test if everything is in the correct state, these tests use your CarInventory’s preorder / inorder / postorder traversals and add_car methods, as well as getting the string representation of your Cars and CarInventoryNodes to run other tests. It is important to ensure your preorder / inorder / postorder traversals, your various string representations, and CarInventory’s add_car methods work correctly first or else many of the other tests may not pass. Here, examples of various test cases could be different tree structures. You may re-use the examples from Lab08, and write various cases for remove_car() in addition to others.

Of course, feel free to reach out / post questions on Piazza as they come up!


Once you’re done with writing your class definitions and tests, submit the following files to Gradescope’s Lab09 assignment:

There will be various unit tests Gradescope will run to ensure your code is working correctly based on the specifications given in this lab.

If the tests don’t pass, you may get some error message that may or may not be obvious at this point. Don’t worry - take a minute to think about what may have caused the error. Try writing more test cases to see if you’re able to reproduce the problem. If you’re still not sure why you’re getting the error, feel free to ask your TAs or Learning Assistants.