extra-credit : Extra credit lab (Queues)

num ready? description assigned due
extra-credit true Extra credit lab (Queues) Thu 02/15 11:00AM Mon 03/04 11:59PM


This is an optional extra-credit lab that was announced in class during Lecture 12.

You can work alone or in pairs; if working in pairs, make sure that both partners’ names appear in the code file and on Gradescope (use the “add” button to include both names).

Here is a list of things to think about that will help you get started.

The book has a simulation of a physical printer and a queue for print jobs. In a similar manner, you should should create a simulation for office hours. (You should simulate the act of waiting for and getting help from a professor/TA/ULA.)

Look at the book’s printing simulation as an inspiration for what to do, but since office hours and printing are different problems, your code will be different.

The instructions are intentionally left open to interpretation, as it is an exercise in modelling real world problems with code. For most problems we solve as software engineers, there is rarely one perfect implementation to solve a problem. That is why we are having you practice developing and documenting your own solution.