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Lecture 4, Tue 08/15

Shallow vs. Deep Equality, Operator Overloading, Testing / Pytest

Recorded Lecture: 8_15_23

Shallow vs. Deep Equality

s1 = Student("Jane", 1234567)
s2 = Student("Jane", 1234567)
print(s1 == s2) # False, doesn’t compare values!
# Add the __eq__ method in

# s1 == s2, self is the left operand (s1), rhs is the right operand (s2)
def __eq__(self, rhs):
	return self.perm == rhs.perm
s1 = Student("Jane", 1234567)
s2 = Student("Jane", 1234567)
print(s1 == s2) # True, compares the perm values!

Operator Overloading

Defining __str__

from Student import Student

s1 = Student("Gaucho", 1234567)
s2 = Student("Jane", 5555555)
print(s1) <Student.Student object at 0x7fd5380d8e80>
def __str__(self):
	''' returns a string representation of a student '''
	return "Student name: {}, perm: {}".format(, self.perm) 

Overriding the ‘+’ operator

def __add__(self, rhs):
	''' Takes two students and returns a list containing these two students '''
    return [self, rhs]
x = s1 + s2 # returns a list of s1 + s2
print(type(x)) # list type

for i in x:

# Output of for loop
# Student name: Gaucho, perm: 1234567
# Student name: Jane, perm: 5555555

Overloading the ‘<=’ and ‘>=’ operator

# <=
def __le__(self, rhs):
	''' Takes two students and returns True if the
		student is less than or equal to the other
		student based on the lexicographical order
		of the name '''
	return <=

# >=
def __ge__(self, rhs):
	''' Takes two students and returns True if the
		student is greater than or equal to the other
		student based on the lexicographical order
		of the name '''
	return >=

# >
# def __gt__

# <
# def __lt__
print(s1 <= s2) # True
print(s1 >= s2) # False
print(s1 == s2) # False
print(s1 < s2) # ERROR, we didn’t define the __lt__ method


Complete Test

Test Driven Development (TDD)

  1. Write test cases that describe what the intended behavior of a unit of software should. Kinda like the requirements of your piece of software
  2. Implement the details of the functionality with the intention of passing the tests
  3. Repeat until the tests pass.


Write a function biggestInt(a,b,c,d) that takes 4 int values and returns the largest


# imports the biggestInt function from
from lecture import biggestInt 

def test_biggestInt1():
    assert biggestInt(1,2,3,4) == 4
    assert biggestInt(1,2,4,3) == 4
    assert biggestInt(1,4,2,3) == 4

def test_biggestInt2():
    assert biggestInt(5,5,5,5) == 5
    # etc.

def test_biggestInt3():
    assert biggestInt(-5,-10,-12,-100) == -5
    assert biggestInt(-100, 1, 100, 0) == 100
    # etc.

def biggestInt(a,b,c,d):
	biggest = 0
	if a >= b and a >= c and a >= d:
		return a
	if b >= a and b >= c and b >= d:
		return b
	if c >= a and c >= b and c >= d:
		return c
		return d

Command to run pytest on