lab08 : Go Fish!

num ready? description assigned due
lab08 true Go Fish! Sun 11/21 11:59PM Fri 12/03 11:59PM

In this lab, you’ll have the opportunity to practice:

Note: This lab is a longer two-week lab. It is important that you start this lab early so you can utilize our office hours to seek assistance / ask clarifying questions during the weekdays before the deadline if needed!


The goal for this lab is to write a program that will manage cards for a card game. All cards have a suit and a rank, which can be used to determine the value of cards in relation to each other. All cards will be managed by a Binary Search Tree (BST) where the best card is the maximum and the worst card is the minimum.

In order to manage cards for this lab, you will define a Card and PlayerHand classes that organizes the cards in a BST data structure.

You will also write pytests in illustrating your behavior works correctly. This lab writeup will provide some test cases for clarity, but the Gradescope autograder will run different tests shown here.


You will need to create three files:

There will be no starter code for this assignment, but rather class descriptions and required methods are defined in the specification below.

You should organize your lab work in its own directory. This way all files for a lab are located in a single folder. Also, this will be easy to import various files into your code using the import / from technique shown in lecture.

The file will contain the definition of a Card class. The Card class will hold information about the cards (suit and rank), and for simplicity, it will also double as a node in our PlayerHand BST. We will define the Card attributes as follows:

You will write a constructor that allows the user to construct a Card object by passing in values for the suit and rank. Your constructor should also create the count attribute and initialize it to 1, as well as create the parent, left, and right attributes initialized to None.

Your Card class definition should also support the following “getter” and “setter” methods:

Lastly, your Card class can overload the >, <, and == operators. This is optional, but it can be helpful when inserting cards into their proper position within the PlayerHand BST. In this context, a Card should first be compared by its rank. For our purposes, we treat A (Ace) as the smallest, and K (King) as the largest. If the rank is equal, we then compare the suit of the cards, where C (Club) < D (Diamond) < H (Heart) < S (Spade). By this logic, == should only return True if both the suit and the rank are equal. Note: you should also make sure that you handle the suit and rank of your Card case-insensitively, meaning that Card('s', 'a'), Card('S', 'A'), or Card('s', 'A') are all valid inputs and should be handled as the same card.

The file will contain the definition of a PlayerHand class. This will keep track of the cards a player has in their hand, implemented as a BST. The PlayerHand will manage Card objects based on their suit and rank.

In addition to the construction of the BST in this class, the following methods are required to be implemented:

An example of the inOrder() string format is given below:

hand = PlayerHand()
hand.put('D', 'A')
hand.put('S', 'K')
hand.put('S', '2')
hand.put('C', 'Q')
hand.put('H', '7')
hand.put('S', 'K')
hand.put('C', 'K')

assert hand.inOrder() == \
"D A | 1\n\
S 2 | 1\n\
H 7 | 1\n\
C Q | 1\n\
C K | 1\n\
S K | 2\n"

An example of the preOrder() string format is given below:

hand = PlayerHand()
hand.put('D', 'A')
hand.put('S', 'K')
hand.put('S', '2')
hand.put('C', 'Q')
hand.put('H', '7')
hand.put('S', 'K')
hand.put('C', 'K')

assert hand.preOrder() == \
"D A | 1\n\
S K | 2\n\
S 2 | 1\n\
C Q | 1\n\
H 7 | 1\n\
C K | 1\n"

Other than the required methods, feel free to implement any helper methods that you think are useful in your implementation. The automated tests will test only your implementation of the required methods by creating a PlayerHand containing various Cards with different suit and rank attributes. The delete() and put() methods will be run, with get(), inOrder(), and preOrder() being used to verify that the PlayerHand is fully functional. You should write similar tests to confirm your BST is working properly.

This file should test all of your classes using pytest. Think of various scenarios and edge cases when testing your code according to the given descriptions. You should test every class’ method functionality (except for getters / setters). Even though Gradescope will not use this file when running automated tests (there are separate tests defined for this), it is important to provide this file with various test cases (testing is important!!).

A note about Gradescope tests: Gradescope will use your functions to correctly check the state of your Cards and PlayerHands with many scenarios. In order to test if everything is in the correct state, these tests use your PlayerHand’s preOrder / inOrder traversals and put methods, as well as getting the string representation of your Cards (using your __str__ overloaded method in Card) to run other tests such as PlayerHand’s delete, getTotalCards, isEmpty, etc. It is important to ensure your preOrder / inOrder traversals, Card’s __str__ method, and PlayerHand’s put methods work correctly first or else many of the other tests will not pass.

Of course, feel free to reach out / post questions on Piazza as they come up!


Once you’re done with writing your class definitions and tests, submit the following files to Gradescope’s Lab08 assignment:

There will be various unit tests Gradescope will run to ensure your code is working correctly based on the specifications given in this lab.

If the tests don’t pass, you may get some error message that may or may not be obvious at this point. Don’t worry - if the tests didn’t pass, take a minute to think about what may have caused the error. If your tests didn’t pass and you’re still not sure why you’re getting the error, feel free to ask your TAs or Learning Assistants.

* Lab08 created by Tina Shi and adapted by Richert Wang (F20), updated for F21.